Every year Samsung’s CES presser is an odd duck. Of course the Korean electronics giant tends to keep its powder dry in the consumer electronics space. After all, there’s no question it’s going to announce its latest flagship handset, the Galaxy S25, sometime near the end of January.
The company is going to continue to stick with its tradition of TVs and appliances at CES 2025. On the consumer end, there are odds and ends like consumer robots that won't likely see the light at all. Samsung has adopted the tagline “AI for All: For the presentation, which will run January 6 starting at 2 p.m. PT/5 p.m. ET, every day, everywhere” will read.
That alone doesn’t give us much to work with. But what company isn’t prone to mention a killer feature like AI when addressing the media? Any one that didn’t feel the need to mention AI, will be eaten by the sharks at Mandalay Bay. But the good news is that we have it on good authority that the company has plans for being hardnosed on the AI refrigerator front come January.
The presentation is being streamed live from Samsung's news room.